How to reach Karlsruhe & KIT Campus North

How to reach Karlsruhe

The nearest airport for long-distance visitors is Frankfurt/Main (FRA).


Frankfurt/Main Airport

The long-distance train station (Frankfurt (M) Flughafen Fernbahnhof) is in close proximity to Frankfurt airport. Once you get there, take an Intercity-Express - ICE train to Karlsruhe main station (Hauptbahnhof). The trip will take about one hour, either with a direct train or with a change of trains at Mannheim main station, the only stop of the ICE between Frankfurt and Karlsruhe.

For times of departure and to book the train ticket, please refer to Deutsche Bahn

Special fares are available if you choose a specific train. However, then you can only use the train for which you booked your ticket and not another one (unless the train you booked is delayed).


How to reach KIT Campus North

We recommend to use our shuttle bus.

Yet from Karlsruhe you can also take e.g. the tram S1 or S11 to ‘Leopoldshafen, Leopoldstraße’ and change to bus 195 for ‘KIT-Campus Nord, Südtor’. For details see KVV (Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund).